December 30, 2008
by Jim Cullison

For some reason, American presidents have come to embrace the term "czar" for various executive branch appointments. Obama has an "energy czar", quite possibly a "car czar," Dubya had an "intelligence czar," and I think Reagan had a "drug czar." I don't quite get the affection for the term czar, since most Russian czars were totally evil and incompetent. Like, why would we want to duplicate that managerial model? Why would we look at some problem in our society and say, "you know what, we need a CZAR for that, to do for infrastructure what Nicholas II and Rasputin did for Russia in World War I...good stuff."

Nevertheless, if we're going to have a flurry of czars, I'd like to make a gift of myself to the nation as the new federal laundry czar. I have heard Obama's call, I have heard the trumpets sound, and I am offering up my talents to the country accordingly.

At the zenith of my powers, I've done EIGHT loads in a day. I'm especially good with towels. Downside, I tend to dry everything on high, so the nation may need to get used to walking around in crispy clothes...


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    amanda r on December 30, 2008 at 9:06 AM

    seeing as how that was posted at 8:30 am, 8 loads is amazing! How much starbucks/pepsi/crack did it take for this to happen?

    also, I will opt to do my own, thank you, mr. high heat

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    ChrisE on December 30, 2008 at 11:56 PM

    I am witness to your laundry expertise...don't short sheet yourself! I just don't understand how two people can make so much dirty laundry. But, I am thankful that my daughter has such a helpful husband.