December 30, 2008
by Jim Cullison

That flying sucks?...I mean really, there are county transit bus lines that are more comfortable than the Bataan Death March with luggage that is commercial flight today...You get folded, packed, and fastened into something called a "seat" that was discarded from enhanced interrogation at Gitmo, flush against two other hapless souls to work on your blood clots and bladder endurance...And then...

They add children...small children...with lungpower...

It's one thing if you're Harrison Ford or Tom Cruise with your own private Spitfire or Spirit of St. Louis mock-up or whatever, but for the rest of the Boat People, commercial flight is galactically overrated...

Aren't we supposed to have our own jetpack by now anyway? Wasn't that the point of the space race, beating the Russians to the moon?


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    amanda r on December 30, 2008 at 10:57 AM

    going somewhere? or just unhappy?

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    Joe Ercoli on December 30, 2008 at 1:03 PM

    ...and for those of us that are more, ahem, generously proportioned, I can think of nothing more splendid than folding myself in half to fit into a coach seat while my personal space is invaded by a 400lb smelly garden troll with a deviated septum on a transatlantic flight.

    Next time we have family dinner hour, I'll tell you more about it!
