The conservative Law of Unintended Consequences is at work in the new Obama-Duncan education proposal, which demands that states link teachers' evaluations and pay to students' test scores...

1.  Making such linkage gives teachers IMMENSE incentive to cheat on testing.

2.  Making such linkage gives teachers IMMENSE incentive to shun low-performing students.

But that's the beauty of liberals...they lunge for the shining utopian vision before they think through what their lunge sets in motion...


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    Unknown on August 21, 2009 at 3:43 PM

    We would be better off socially and economically if teachers shunned low performing students:

    1)Survival of the Fittest. You should be offered a free education till you are not smart enough to be keep up with the system. Then you are just a waste of time. that would also etch out which subjects people grasp and which don't- So one could be completely autistic but a brilliant piano player therefore only take music courses -carrer opportunities!!!!

    2)Also dumb kids get an incredible amount of money per person, where as there is virtually no funding for the gifted, in comparison. (says my aunt who works in the education system)

    3) Being a smart nation is vital for future economic success!! we should forget the weak and run with the strong!

    4) NO child left behind! booo!! No one likes this! It is underfunded and doesn't work!
