June 16, 2009
by Jim Cullison

A comic, a very left-wing comic, finally did what is months overdue...he opened up a can on Obamanon...

Bill Maher came at Obama in spectacular fashion on his June 12th HBO program, skewering His Worship for five months of opulent overexposure on the telly...True, Maher was primarily ticked that Obama is not fulfilling his liberal agenda, but the real point is that the acerbic HBO host stepped up to the plate and did what every comic in a post-Kennedy, post-Vietnam,post-Watergate, post-Iran-Contra, post Lewinsky America is supposed to do to a president...tee off on him. Unleash the iconoclastic dogs of war. We elect presidents, not popes.

Go on Youtube for the full five minute clip.

I salute Maher for his great comedy and courage. A liberal Obama fan had the stones to call out His Worship on the orgy of self-worship...Well-done and long overdue...
