June 17, 2009
by Jim Cullison

Watching Bill O'Reilly's verbal assault on Salon editor Joan Walsh last night, I fully expected (and hoped) that this century's Joe McCarthy would stroke out in mid-rant. Alas, Fox News' prize bully is alive and ranting as of this writing. Fully living up to Ms. Walsh's earlier description of him as "vile," O'Reilly's unhinged verbal thuggery reflected his apparent belief that the bile duct is the seat of all wisdom, and that, to paraphrase Barry Goldwater, discourtesy in the pursuit of ratings is no vice. It was also a vivid manifestation of why conservatism is currently in such disrepute. Finger-jabbing, foam-mouthed vitriol is as unpersuasive as it is alienating, and O'Reilly's junior high locker room persona will not win converts to the cause. I've never agreed with Ms. Walsh on any issue, and last night she had my complete sympathy and support. I'm just mystified as to why she assented to appear on that poor excuse for a program in the first place.

At this point in his life, Bill O'Reilly probably makes too much money to experience sensations like shame and embarrassment, but nonetheless, Joseph Welch's words of reproach to the senator from Wisconsin are equally appropriate for Joe McCarthy's twenty-first century reincarnation..."Have you no sense of decency sir? At long last, have you no sense of decency?"
