April 16, 2009
by Jim Cullison

You're probably weary of this topic, and perhaps you're thinking that my wrath is disproportionate to the offense...but here's the thing...I spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to drill some basic historical concepts and precepts into the heads of otherwise distracted teenagers...So when I hear allegedly well-educated politicians spouting pure guano that is wholly bereft of historical or legal validity, I get exercised...It's as if they're deliberately promulgating ignorance and know-nothingism...

So here's the last word on secession...

U.S. Supreme Court ruling, 1869, Texas v. White. Supremes held that Texas had remained a state of the United States ever since it first joined the Union, despite its joining the Confederacy.

FURTHERMORE...it held that the Constitution did not permit the states to secede from the United States...

Here endeth the lesson Governor Perry...
