April 15, 2009
by Jim Cullison

150 years ago, another governor of Texas weighed in on the general subject of secession and the specific topic of Texas leaving the Union...Rick Perry apparently missed this day in class...along with Chuck Norris...and Glenn Beck...Here now, the original Texas statesman's thoughts on secession...

"The destruction of the Union would be a destruction of all the states.
 A stab in the heart is worse than a cut in a limb, for this may be healed."

"I wish, if this Union must be dissolved, that its ruins may be the monument
 of my grave, and the graves of my family.  I wish no epitaph to be written to
 tell that I survive the ruin of this glorious Union."

"To secede from the Union and to set up another government would cause war.
  If you go to war with the United States, you will never conquer her, as she has
 the money and the men.  If she does not whip you by guns, powder, and steel,
 she will starve you to death.  It will take the flower of the country---the young

-Sam Houston
