July 1, 2009
by Jim Cullison

I am impressed by how little the California public cares about the fiscal abyss into which we've fallen. Most Californians are impressively indifferent to the bleeding budget and the two parties' obstinate bickering over how to halt the hemorrhaging. I should know. I live with one of the indifferent.

There are three possible reasons for the public's general nonchalance on this issue...

1. They are utterly paralyzed with grief over the passing of the King of Pop.

2. They are totally unaware of the definition of a budget and the existence of state government.

3. Like my wife, they refuse to take the bait and get anxious about an inconsequential charade.

My wife's batting record in assessment of these crises is pretty much 1000, but I still think that there's a significant percentage of Californians for whom Reasons #1 and #2 apply.
