June 30, 2009
by Jim Cullison

I understand that Mark Sanford wants to get a lot of things off his chest, that he has things that he really wants to say, but for the love of God man, DON'T babble your inner angst and lovelorn yearnings to AP REPORTERS!!!

Sanford's political and marital suicide would have probably faded from attention by today, had the Palmetto State governor not invited a reporter and his tape recorder to witness and record him pouring a fresh gallon of kerosene on himself and striking a match. Thus, the story gets another couple of days of media attention with memorable quotes like, "Maria is my soulmate, but I'm trying to fall in love with my wife again," or "I've crossed the line with other women."

Good stuff for hour-long sessions with your therapist in a sound-proofed room, but when it's sprayed all over the Internet via the Associated Press, it exacerbates the not inconsiderable damage that you've already done to the political party and philosophy that you've professed to support these many years.

The GOP needs to take up a collection to immediately spirit the Governor out of the country and deposit him in the Andes where he can wander like Heathcliff, loudly lamenting the loss of his soulmate. Somebody apply a tourniquet to this human hemorrhage, please...
