My dear wife has been stricken with the same cold that I am sure I acquired from The Children of the Corn...However, she has rebounded nicely after a week of rest, Alka-Seltzer, and extensive viewing of the daytime judicial system...particularly her hero and nominee for the next Supreme Court vacancy, Judge Judy...
It is fascinating to observe her reaction to the Old Testament hanging judge that is Judith Scheinlen...there is truly a cathartic effect for her in watching Her Honor dispense blistering rebukes and scalding justice to the seemingly endless parade of The Clueless and The Derelict. What I get from watching Al Pacino or George C. Scott, she gets from watching Judge Judy verbally vaporize the legions of deadbeat dads and community college burnouts who amble into her courtroom.
Typical Alexis commentary as Judge Judy dismantles another hapless schmo who is visibly bereft of sense and non-welfare state income..."I LOVE HER!!!!...JIM, I LOVE HER!!!!"
It starts to get a bit out of hand when she starts channeling Her Honor in our daily lives (i.e., pointing to her eye with two fingers, or bellowing, "IM SPEAKING!!! SHHH!!!"...okay, she doesn't do the latter, that was unfair embellishment).
Anyway, it's amusing, and in the Age of Obamanon, highly therapeutic...For one hour, from 4 to 5 on KPIX, the righteous reigneth, and justice rolls down like mighty waters...
Far healthier that Fox's just funny to watch...