January 24, 2009
by Jim Cullison

Knowing that Eastwood's seminal performance in "Gran Torino" was utterly snubbed, thus depriving the awards of artistic legitimacy, I'm going to offer up my picks for Oscar, pretending the Academy consists of...me.

I'm going with the list of nominees provided...as far as I'm concerned, "Tropic Thunder" was the Best Picture of the Year and Eastwood deserved Best Actor...Langella WAS great though as The Great Satan of American politics...

Best Supporting Actor: Robert Downey, Jr for "Tropic Thunder"

Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis for "Doubt"

Best Actress: Meryl Streep for "Doubt"

Best Actor: Frank Langella for "Frost/Nixon"

Best Director: Ron Howard for "Frost/Nixon" (make-up award, he should have gotten it for
"Cinderella Man" three years ago.)
Best Picture: "Doubt"
